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Children may join our Nursery from the age of three months, and continue their journey with us right through to age eleven. As we are part of the University of Brighton Academy Trust family of schools, many of our pupils choose to remain within the Trust for the next phase of their education and some progress to study for undergraduate or post-graduate degrees at the University of Brighton. We build on this link to raise pupils’ aspirations and engage both pupils and their families with the potential of higher education.

We aim to provide opportunities for pupils to develop as independent, confident, successful learners with high aspirations who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society. There is a high focus on developing pupils’ moral, spiritual, social and cultural understanding.  

Priding ourselves on being a highly inclusive academy, we believe that all pupils can be supported to develop the executive functioning skills they need to succeed both now and in the future. In order to support all pupils to develop these skills, we offer highly personalised and alternative provision, which are used to support some pupils on their journey to becoming successful independent learners.

We ensure that all pupils develop good character by explicitly teaching them about the brain and about pro-social and pro-learning skills. We believe that when pupils do not meet expectations, it is because they do not yet have the skills to manage within the environment they have been placed or with the demands that have been placed on them. We explicitly teach pupils about their executive function skills, as well as tools to manage their stressors so that pupils develop their emotional intelligence. Across the academy, we are able to develop and maintain a safe and happy environment where all pupils can learn at their best.

Delivering a curriculum that builds knowledge of the world, capturing every pupil’s interest and engagement to become lifelong learners is what we believe in. In order to achieve this, our curriculum is carefully mapped to ensure that it is coherently sequenced and progressive. Learning sequences across year groups have been designed to ensure alteration in pupils’ long-term memory. We achieve this through building on prior knowledge, supporting pupils to make connections in their learning and helping pupils to develop and understand transferrable skills that they are able to apply across the curriculum. We strive to ensure that pupils are well prepared, not only for the next phase of their education, but to be the successful citizens of the future.

A range of opportunities

We take great pride in offering a wide range of opportunities through enrichment activities, to capture the imagination of all children. We believe that high quality partnerships with parents are integral to enabling positive relationships and shared learning experiences. For this reason, parents are welcomed into our classrooms on a regular basis to celebrate their child’s successes and share their learning journey.

To enable this partnership approach and ensure high quality communication we use the following methods:

  • Website and social media sites.
  • Termly celebration afternoons and activity days.
  • Parent consultation meetings.
  • Class and year group assemblies.
  • Weekly recognition awards