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Our staff are committed to creating a welcoming and safe environment where children are well cared for and their individual needs are supported. There are a rich variety of learning experiences and activities that are centred around the individual child and their interests.

Our setting has a free-flow approach, however within that we also offer structured play activities and directed group time in which we support the children's learning and development across all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

Our high quality indoor and outdoor spaces , as well as access to additional rooms such as the Academy library and small hall allow us to offer the children a variety of environments in which to play and learn.

The nursery is open 7:45am right through until 6:00pm.

We welcome open and honest conversation with parents and carers and use many forms of communication including social media. 



Accommodates babies from three months old.


Accommodates children from two to three years old.


Accommodates children from three to four years old.