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Safeguarding children is the action we take to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. We have developed a structured procedure in line with Pan-Sussex Child Protection and Safeguarding Procedures and Keeping Children Safe in Education: 2020, which will be followed by all members of the academy community in cases where there are welfare or safeguarding concerns. In line with the procedures, the Children’s Social Care Single Point of Advice (SPOA 01323 464222) will be notified as soon as there is a significant concern, or where a level 3 referral is required.

All safeguarding and welfare concerns, discussions and decisions made will be recorded in writing and kept in line with the East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership guidance.

Our safeguarding policy can be found on the our policies page and further information on safeguarding can be found by visiting the University of Brighton Academies Trust website.

Miss A Reed

Safeguarding lead and prevent lead

Miss C Thayre

Deputy designated safeguarding lead

Ms L Chatham

Deputy designated safeguarding lead

Mrs L Hobbis

Nursery designated safeguarding lead

Mrs A Neill

Designated teacher for looked after children

Jess Webb

Nursery designated
safeguarding lead

Rose Durban
Safeguarding Link Trustee

Contact a member of our safeguarding team

or call 01424 853 521

Prevent – anti-extremism and radicalisation

We have a designated Prevent lead. Full details of the Prevent policy can be found on the website, but should you have any concerns regarding extremism or radicalisation, please report all concerns directly to the designated lead.

Operation Encompass

Our Academy is taking part in Operation Encompass, in conjunction with Sussex Police.

Operation Encompass has been designed to provide early reporting to schools and colleges of any domestic abuse incidents that occur in which a child was present, ordinarily resides at the incident location or with an involved party. We know that children can be significantly affected through witnessing or being exposed to domestic abuse and this operation will allow us to better support our pupils and their families.

A nominated member of staff, known as a key adult, has been trained to liaise with the police. They will be able to use information that has been shared with her, in confidence, to ensure that the right support is available should it be required by a child and / or their family.

We are keen to offer the best support available to our pupils and we believe this is going to be extremely beneficial for all those involved.

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact the safeguarding team and we will be happy to discuss this further