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A warm welcome to Robsack Wood Primary Academy!

Our academy is an exciting, exuberant and welcoming , where school children from 3 months to 11 years old flourish in a safe and stimulating environment. We create a powerful learning culture which focuses on children having high aspirations thus achieving their full potential.

We aim to provide opportunities for pupils to develop as independent, confident, successful learners with high aspirations who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society. Our inclusive, supportive academy team strives to support the emotional and social development of every learner.

Mrs C Thayre
Principal, Robsack Wood Primary Academy

Open Day

Please note, we have no further open days available. Should you wish to visit the academy, please drop us an email.

Why Robsack Wood Primary Academy?

Fantastic FacilitiesOur academy has impressive outdoor learning facilities which ensure our pupils can develop, and which promotes creativity and motivation.

Fabulous Forest School

From learning about plants and animals to using tools, making fires and building shelters, all children at Robsack Wood have the opportunity to participate in forest school fun during their time at the academy.

Early Years Village Approach

Our youngest children in Nursery and Reception cohorts benefit from stimulating structure and free-flow activities in our amazing indoor and outdoor areas.

Academy Information

Our Teaching and Learning

Year after year, our team of educational experts build children’s skills, teaching them how to employ their knowledge so they can take control of their learning.

Throughout their time with us, we support children to be resilient and kind, and to be independent learners. Combine the two, and we hope all our pupils grow up respecting others and with a lifelong love of learning.

Our parents and carers are a huge part of that individual journey – and of school life in general. Our relationship with you is crucial to the progress made by pupils.


Our Wraparound Care

Breakfast Buddies

Our before school provision is open from 7.45am term time. We provide a selection of cereals, toast, fruit, yoghurt and juices, as well as daily specials like baked beans, porridge, pancakes and more. Our children enjoy a range of activities before joining their class full of energy and ready to learn.

Robsack Rascals

Our amazing after school club runs every day during term time from the end of our school day until 6pm, offering structured and stimulating activities for children along with scrumptious snacks.


Our Results